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Use the Bitrise step

With the Bitrise plugin step (also called the Bitrise step), you can use Bitrise Integrations in your Harness CI pipelines. For more information about plugins in CI pipelines, go to Explore plugins.


Currently, the Bitrise plugin step is supported for Harness Cloud build infrastructure only.

Bitrise step usage example

In the following YAML example, a Harness Bitrise step runs the Android Build Bitrise step. It calls the source repo (bitrise-steplib/bitrise-step-android-build) and provides configuration parameters as described in the Android Build README.

              - step:
type: Bitrise
name: bitrise android build
identifier: bitrise_android_build
variant: 'debug'
build_type: 'apk'

Bitrise step settings and specifications

Add a Bitrise step to your pipeline, for example:

              - step:
type: Bitrise
name: bitrise android build
identifier: bitrise_android_build
variant: 'debug'
build_type: 'apk'

The spec parameters define which Bitrise Integration to use, Bitrise Integration inputs, and environment variables that you want to pass to the Integration. These are configured according to the Integration's usage specifications.

  • uses: Specify the Bitrise Integration's source repo, such as
  • with: If required by the Integration, provide a mapping of key-value pairs representing Integration inputs, such as build_type: 'apk'. For more information, go to Settings.
  • env: If required by the Integration, provide a mapping of environment variables to pass to the Integration. For more information, go to Environment Variables.

If you already configured Bitrise Integrations elsewhere, you can transfer Bitrise Integrations into Harness CI.

You can use expressions in the with and env settings. For example, credentials: <+stage.variables.[TOKEN_SECRET]> uses an expression referencing a stage variable.


Enter a name summarizing the step's purpose. Harness automatically assigns an Id (Entity Identifier Reference) based on the Name. You can change the Id.

The Description is optional.


Specify the repo of the Bitrise Integration that you want to use, for example


If required by the Integration, add key-value pairs representing Integration inputs, such as build_type: 'apk'. Refer to the Integration's usage specifications for details about specific inputs available for the Integration that you want to use.

  • Settings keys can be supplied as fixed values or runtime input, and values can be supplied as fixed values, runtime input, or expressions. For more information, go to Fixed values, runtime inputs, and expressions.
  • In the Visual editor, there are separate fields for keys and values. For example, to specify build_type: 'apk' in the Visual editor, you would enter build_type in the key field and apk in the value field.

Environment Variables

If required by the Integration, add key-value pairs representing environment variables that you want to pass to the Integration, such as GITHUB_TOKEN: <+secrets.getValue("github_pat")>. Note that these are incoming environment variables that you're passing to the Bitrise Integration, which are separate from outgoing environment variables that are output by the Integration.Refer to the Integration's usage specifications for details about specific environment variables relevant to the Integration that you want to use.

  • You can use fixed values, runtime inputs, or expressions for environment variable values. For example, <+stage.variables.[TOKEN_SECRET]> is a variable expression stage variable.
  • In the Visual editor, there are separate fields for keys and values. For example, to specify GITHUB_TOKEN: <+secrets.getValue("github_pat")> in the Visual editor, you would enter GITHUB_TOKEN in the key field and <+secrets.getValue("github_pat")> in the value field.


You can set the timeout limit for the step. Once the timeout limit is reached, the step fails and pipeline execution continues. To set skip conditions or failure handling for steps, go to:

Transfer Bitrise Integrations into Harness CI

If you already configured Bitrise Integrations elsewhere, the Bitrise inputs mapping is equivalent to the Harness Bitrise plugin step's spec: with: mapping. The following table compares Bitrise inputs specification with the equivalent Harness with specification.

Bitrise `inputs` Harness `with`
- variant: debug
- build_type: apk
variant: 'debug'
build_type: 'apk'